Phamda functions

Currently included functions (106):


Placeholder P::_()

Returns a placeholder to be used with curried functions.

$sub10 = P::subtract(P::_(), 10);
$sub10(52); // => 42


int|float P::add(int|float $x, int|float $y)

Adds two numbers.

P::add(15, 27); // => 42
P::add(36, -8); // => 28


bool P::all(callable $predicate, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns true if all elements of the collection match the predicate, false otherwise.

$isPositive = function ($x) { return $x > 0; };
P::all($isPositive, [1, 2, 0, -5]); // => false
P::all($isPositive, [1, 2, 1, 11]); // => true


callable P::allPass(callable[] $predicates)

Creates a single predicate from a list of predicates that returns true when all the predicates match, false otherwise.

$isEven = function ($x) { return $x % 2 === 0; };
$isPositive = function ($x) { return $x > 0; };
$isEvenAndPositive = P::allPass([$isEven, $isPositive]);
$isEvenAndPositive(5); // => false
$isEvenAndPositive(-4); // => false
$isEvenAndPositive(6); // => true


callable P::always(mixed $value)

Returns a function that always returns the passed value.

$alwaysFoo = P::always('foo');
$alwaysFoo(); // => 'foo'


bool P::any(callable $predicate, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns true if any element of the collection matches the predicate, false otherwise.

$isPositive = function ($x) { return $x > 0; };
P::any($isPositive, [1, 2, 0, -5]); // => true
P::any($isPositive, [-3, -7, -1, -5]); // => false


callable P::anyPass(callable[] $predicates)

Creates a single predicate from a list of predicates that returns true when any of the predicates matches, false otherwise.

$isEven = function ($x) { return $x % 2 === 0; };
$isPositive = function ($x) { return $x > 0; };
$isEvenOrPositive = P::anyPass([$isEven, $isPositive]);
$isEvenOrPositive(5); // => true
$isEvenOrPositive(-4); // => true
$isEvenOrPositive(-3); // => false


array|Collection P::append(mixed $item, array|Collection $collection)

Return a new collection that contains all the items in the given collection and the given item last.

P::append('c', ['a', 'b']); // => ['a', 'b', 'c']
P::append('c', []); // => ['c']
P::append(['d', 'e'], ['a', 'b']); // => ['a', 'b', ['d', 'e']]


mixed P::apply(callable $function, array $arguments)

Calls the function using the values of the given arguments list as positional arguments.

Effectively creates an unary function from a variadic function.

$concat3 = function ($a, $b, $c) { return $a . $b . $c; };
P::apply($concat3, ['foo', 'ba', 'rba']); // => 'foobarba'


array|object P::assoc(string $property, mixed $value, array|object $object)

Returns a new array or object, setting the given value to the specified property.

P::assoc('bar', 3, ['foo' => 1]); // => ['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 3]
P::assoc('bar', 3, ['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2]); // => ['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 3]
P::assoc('foo', null, ['foo' => 15, 'bar' => 7]); // => ['foo' => null, 'bar' => 7]


array|object P::assocPath(array $path, mixed $value, array|object $object)

Returns a new array or object, setting the given value to the property specified by the path.

P::assocPath(['bar'], 3, ['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2]); // => ['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 3]
P::assocPath(['bar', 'baz'], 4, ['foo' => 1, 'bar' => []]); // => ['foo' => 1, 'bar' => ['baz' => 4]]


callable P::binary(callable $function)

Wraps the given function in a function that accepts exactly two parameters.

$add3 = function ($a = 0, $b = 0, $c = 0) { return $a + $b + $c; };
$add2 = P::binary($add3);
$add2(27, 15, 33); // => 42


callable P::both(callable $a, callable $b)

Returns a function that returns true when both of the predicates match, false otherwise.

$lt = function ($x, $y) { return $x < $y; };
$arePositive = function ($x, $y) { return $x > 0 && $y > 0; };
$test = P::both($lt, $arePositive);
$test(9, 4); // => false
$test(-3, 11); // => false
$test(5, 17); // => true


mixed P::cast(string $type, mixed $value)

Return the given value cast to the given type.

P::cast('string', 3); // => '3'
P::cast('int', 4.55); // => 4


object P::clone_(object $object)

Clones an object.


callable P::comparator(callable $predicate)

Creates a comparator function from a function that returns whether the first argument is less than the second.

$lt = function ($x, $y) { return $x < $y; };
$compare = P::comparator($lt);
$compare(5, 6); // => -1
$compare(6, 5); // => 1
$compare(5, 5); // => 0


callable P::compose(callable ...$functions)

Returns a new function that calls each supplied function in turn in reverse order and passes the result as a parameter to the next function.

$add5 = function ($x) { return $x + 5; };
$square = function ($x) { return $x ** 2; };
$addToSquared = P::compose($add5, $square);
$addToSquared(4); // => 21
$hello = function ($target) { return 'Hello ' . $target; };
$helloUpper = P::compose($hello, 'strtoupper');
$upperHello = P::compose('strtoupper', $hello);
$helloUpper('world'); // => 'Hello WORLD'
$upperHello('world'); // => 'HELLO WORLD'


string P::concat(string $a, string $b)

Returns a string concatenated of a and b.

P::concat('ab', 'cd'); // => 'abcd'
P::concat('abc', ''); // => 'abc'


object P::construct(string $class, mixed ...$initialArguments)

Wraps the constructor of the given class to a function.

$date = P::construct(\DateTime::class, '2015-03-15');
$date->format('Y-m-d'); // => '2015-03-15'


object P::constructN(int $arity, string $class, mixed ...$initialArguments)

Wraps the constructor of the given class to a function of specified arity.

$construct = P::constructN(1, \DateTime::class);
$construct('2015-03-15')->format('Y-m-d'); // => '2015-03-15'


bool P::contains(mixed $value, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns true if the specified item is found in the collection, false otherwise.

P::contains('a', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e']); // => true
P::contains('d', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e']); // => false


callable|mixed P::curry(callable $function, mixed ...$initialArguments)

Wraps the given function to a function that returns a new function until all required parameters are given.

$add = function ($x, $y, $z) { return $x + $y + $z; };
$addHundred = P::curry($add, 100);
$addHundred(20, 3); // => 123


callable|mixed P::curryN(int $length, callable $function, mixed ...$initialArguments)

Wraps the given function to a function of specified arity that returns a new function until all required parameters are given.

$add = function ($x, $y, $z = 0) { return $x + $y + $z; };
$addTen = P::curryN(3, $add, 10);
$addTen(10, 3); // => 23
$addTwenty = $addTen(10);
$addTwenty(5); // => 25


int|float P::dec(int|float $number)

Decrements the given number.

P::dec(43); // => 42
P::dec(-14); // => -15


mixed P::defaultTo(mixed $default, mixed $value)

Returns the default argument if the value argument is null.

P::defaultTo(22, 15); // => 15
P::defaultTo(42, null); // => 42
P::defaultTo(15, false); // => false


int|float P::divide(int|float $x, int|float $y)

Divides two numbers.

P::divide(55, 11); // => 5
P::divide(48, -8); // => -6


array|\Traversable|Collection P::each(callable $function, array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Calls the given function for each element in the collection and returns the original collection.

The supplied function receives three arguments: item, index, collection.

$date = new \DateTime('2015-02-02');
$addCalendar = function ($number, $type) use ($date) { $date->modify("+{$number} {$type}"); };
P::each($addCalendar, ['months' => 3, 'weeks' => 6, 'days' => 2]);
$date->format('Y-m-d'); // => '2015-06-15'


callable P::either(callable $a, callable $b)

Returns a function that returns true when either of the predicates matches, false otherwise.

$lt = function ($x, $y) { return $x < $y; };
$arePositive = function ($x, $y) { return $x > 0 && $y > 0; };
$test = P::either($lt, $arePositive);
$test(-5, -16); // => false
$test(-3, 11); // => true
$test(17, 3); // => true


bool P::eq(mixed $x, mixed $y)

Return true when the arguments are strictly equal.

P::eq('a', 'a'); // => true
P::eq('a', 'b'); // => false
P::eq(null, null); // => true


array|object P::evolve(callable[] $transformations, array|object|\ArrayAccess $object)

Returns a new object or array containing all the fields of the original object, using given transformations.

$object = ['foo' => 'bar', 'fiz' => 'buz'];
P::evolve(['foo' => 'strtoupper'], $object); // => ['foo' => 'BAR', 'fiz' => 'buz']


string[] P::explode(string $delimiter, string $string)

Returns an array containing the parts of a string split by the given delimiter.

If the delimiter is an empty string, returns a char array.

P::explode('/', 'f/o/o'); // => ['f', 'o', 'o']
P::explode('', 'b/a/z'); // => ['b', '/', 'a', '/', 'z']
P::explode('.', ''); // => ['']


callable P::false()

Returns a function that always returns false.

$false = P::false();
$false(); // => false


array|Collection P::filter(callable $predicate, array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns a new collection containing the items that match the given predicate.

The supplied predicate receives three arguments: item, index, collection.

$gt2 = function ($x) { return $x > 2; };
P::filter($gt2, ['foo' => 2, 'bar' => 3, 'baz' => 4]); // => ['bar' => 3, 'baz' => 4]


mixed|null P::find(callable $predicate, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns the first item of a collection for which the given predicate matches, or null if no match is found.

$isPositive = function ($x) { return $x > 0; };
P::find($isPositive, [-5, 0, 15, 33, -2]); // => 15


int|string|null P::findIndex(callable $predicate, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns the index of the first item of a collection for which the given predicate matches, or null if no match is found.

$isPositive = function ($x) { return $x > 0; };
P::findIndex($isPositive, [-5, 0, 15, 33, -2]); // => 2


mixed|null P::findLast(callable $predicate, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns the last item of a collection for which the given predicate matches, or null if no match is found.

$isPositive = function ($x) { return $x > 0; };
P::findLast($isPositive, [-5, 0, 15, 33, -2]); // => 33


int|string|null P::findLastIndex(callable $predicate, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns the index of the last item of a collection for which the given predicate matches, or null if no match is found.

$isPositive = function ($x) { return $x > 0; };
P::findLastIndex($isPositive, [-5, 0, 15, 33, -2]); // => 3


mixed P::first(array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns the first item of a collection, or false if the collection is empty.

P::first([5, 8, 9, 13]); // => 5
P::first([]); // => false


array P::flatMap(callable $function, array $list)

Returns a list containing the flattened items created by applying the function to each item of the list.

$split = P::unary('str_split');
P::flatMap($split, ['abc', 'de']); // => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
$getNeighbors = function ($x) { return [$x - 1, $x, $x + 1]; };
P::flatMap($getNeighbors, [1, 2, 3]); // => [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4]


array P::flatten(array $list)

Returns an array that contains all the items on the list, with all arrays flattened.

P::flatten([1, [2, 3], [4]]); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]
P::flatten([1, [2, [3]], [[4]]]); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]


array P::flattenLevel(array $list)

Returns an array that contains all the items on the list, with arrays on the first nesting level flattened.

P::flattenLevel([1, [2, 3], [4]]); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]
P::flattenLevel([1, [2, [3]], [[4]]]); // => [1, 2, [3], [4]]


callable P::flip(callable $function)

Wraps the given function and returns a new function for which the order of the first two parameters is reversed.

$sub = function ($x, $y) { return $x - $y; };
$flippedSub = P::flip($sub);
$flippedSub(20, 30); // => 10


array|Collection P::fromPairs(array|\Traversable|Collection $list = null)

Creates a new map from a list of key-value pairs.

P::fromPairs([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]); // => ['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd']
P::fromPairs([[3, 'b'], [5, null]]); // => [3 => 'b', 5 => null]


array[]|Collection[] P::groupBy(callable $function, array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns an array of sub collections based on a function that returns the group keys for each item.

$firstChar = function ($string) { return $string[0]; };
$collection = ['abc', 'cbc', 'cab', 'baa', 'ayb'];
P::groupBy($firstChar, $collection); // => ['a' => [0 => 'abc', 4 => 'ayb'], 'c' => [1 => 'cbc', 2 => 'cab'], 'b' => [3 => 'baa']]


bool P::gt(mixed $x, mixed $y)

Returns true if the first parameter is greater than the second, false otherwise.

P::gt(1, 2); // => false
P::gt(1, 1); // => false
P::gt(2, 1); // => true


bool P::gte(mixed $x, mixed $y)

Returns true if the first parameter is greater than or equal to the second, false otherwise.

P::gte(1, 2); // => false
P::gte(1, 1); // => true
P::gte(2, 1); // => true


mixed P::identity(mixed $x)

Returns the given parameter.

P::identity(1); // => 1
P::identity(null); // => null
P::identity('abc'); // => 'abc'


callable P::ifElse(callable $condition, callable $onTrue, callable $onFalse)

Returns a function that applies either the onTrue or the onFalse function, depending on the result of the condition predicate.

$addOrSub = P::ifElse(P::lt(0), P::add(-10), P::add(10));
$addOrSub(25); // => 15
$addOrSub(-3); // => 7


string P::implode(string $glue, string[] $strings)

Returns a string formed by combining a list of strings using the given glue string.

P::implode('/', ['f', 'o', 'o']); // => 'f/o/o'
P::implode('.', ['a', 'b', 'cd', '']); // => ''
P::implode('.', ['']); // => ''


int|float P::inc(int|float $number)

Increments the given number.

P::inc(41); // => 42
P::inc(-16); // => -15


int|string|false P::indexOf(mixed $item, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns the index of the given item in a collection, or false if the item is not found.

P::indexOf(16, [1, 6, 44, 16, 52]); // => 3
P::indexOf(15, [1, 6, 44, 16, 52]); // => false


callable P::invoker(int $arity, string $method, mixed ...$initialArguments)

Returns a function that calls the specified method of a given object.

$addDay = P::invoker(1, 'add', new \DateInterval('P1D'));
$addDay(new \DateTime('2015-03-15'))->format('Y-m-d'); // => '2015-03-16'
$addDay(new \DateTime('2015-03-12'))->format('Y-m-d'); // => '2015-03-13'


bool P::isEmpty(array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns true if a collection has no elements, false otherwise.

P::isEmpty([1, 2, 3]); // => false
P::isEmpty([0]); // => false
P::isEmpty([]); // => true


bool P::isInstance(string $class, object $object)

Return true if an object is of the specified class, false otherwise.

$isDate = P::isInstance(\DateTime::class);
$isDate(new \DateTime()); // => true
$isDate(new \DateTimeImmutable()); // => false


mixed P::last(array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns the last item of a collection, or false if the collection is empty.

P::last([5, 8, 9, 13]); // => 13
P::last([]); // => false


bool P::lt(mixed $x, mixed $y)

Returns true if the first parameter is less than the second, false otherwise.

P::lt(1, 2); // => true
P::lt(1, 1); // => false
P::lt(2, 1); // => false


bool P::lte(mixed $x, mixed $y)

Returns true if the first parameter is less than or equal to the second, false otherwise.

P::lte(1, 2); // => true
P::lte(1, 1); // => true
P::lte(2, 1); // => false


array|Collection P::map(callable $function, array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns a new collection where values are created from the original collection by calling the supplied function.

The supplied function receives three arguments: item, index, collection.

$square = function ($x) { return $x ** 2; };
P::map($square, [1, 2, 3, 4]); // => [1, 4, 9, 16]
$keyExp = function ($value, $key) { return $value ** $key; };
P::map($keyExp, [1, 2, 3, 4]); // => [1, 2, 9, 64]


mixed P::max(array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns the largest value in the collection.

P::max([6, 15, 8, 9, -2, -3]); // => 15
P::max(['bar', 'foo', 'baz']); // => 'foo'


mixed P::maxBy(callable $getValue, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns the item from a collection for which the supplied function returns the largest value.

$getFoo = function ($item) { return $item->foo; };
$a = (object) ['baz' => 3, 'bar' => 16, 'foo' => 5];
$b = (object) ['baz' => 1, 'bar' => 25, 'foo' => 8];
$c = (object) ['baz' => 14, 'bar' => 20, 'foo' => -2];
P::maxBy($getFoo, [$a, $b, $c]); // => $b


array P::merge(array $a, array $b)

Returns an array that contains all the values in arrays a and b.

P::merge([1, 2], [3, 4, 5]); // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
P::merge(['a', 'b'], ['a', 'b']); // => ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b']


mixed P::min(array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns the smallest value in the collection.

P::min([6, 15, 8, 9, -2, -3]); // => -3
P::min(['bar', 'foo', 'baz']); // => 'bar'


mixed P::minBy(callable $getValue, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns the item from a collection for which the supplied function returns the smallest value.

$getFoo = function ($item) { return $item->foo; };
$a = (object) ['baz' => 3, 'bar' => 16, 'foo' => 5];
$b = (object) ['baz' => 1, 'bar' => 25, 'foo' => 8];
$c = (object) ['baz' => 14, 'bar' => 20, 'foo' => -2];
P::minBy($getFoo, [$a, $b, $c]); // => $c


int P::modulo(int $x, int $y)

Divides two integers and returns the modulo.

P::modulo(15, 6); // => 3
P::modulo(22, 11); // => 0
P::modulo(-23, 6); // => -5


int|float P::multiply(int|float $x, int|float $y)

Multiplies two numbers.

P::multiply(15, 27); // => 405
P::multiply(36, -8); // => -288


callable P::nAry(int $arity, callable $function)

Wraps the given function in a function that accepts exactly the given amount of parameters.

$add3 = function ($a = 0, $b = 0, $c = 0) { return $a + $b + $c; };
$add2 = P::nAry(2, $add3);
$add2(27, 15, 33); // => 42
$add1 = P::nAry(1, $add3);
$add1(27, 15, 33); // => 27


int|float P::negate(int|float $x)

Returns the negation of a number.

P::negate(15); // => -15
P::negate(-0.7); // => 0.7
P::negate(0); // => 0


bool P::none(callable $predicate, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns true if no element in the collection matches the predicate, false otherwise.

$isPositive = function ($x) { return $x > 0; };
P::none($isPositive, [1, 2, 0, -5]); // => false
P::none($isPositive, [-3, -7, -1, -5]); // => true


callable P::not(callable $predicate)

Wraps a predicate and returns a function that return true if the wrapped function returns a falsey value, false otherwise.

$equal = function ($a, $b) { return $a === $b; };
$notEqual = P::not($equal);
$notEqual(15, 13); // => true
$notEqual(7, 7); // => false


callable P::partial(callable $function, mixed ...$initialArguments)

Wraps the given function and returns a new function that can be called with the remaining parameters.

$add = function ($x, $y, $z) { return $x + $y + $z; };
$addTen = P::partial($add, 10);
$addTen(3, 4); // => 17
$addTwenty = P::partial($add, 2, 3, 15);
$addTwenty(); // => 20


callable P::partialN(int $arity, callable $function, mixed ...$initialArguments)

Wraps the given function and returns a new function of fixed arity that can be called with the remaining parameters.

$add = function ($x, $y, $z = 0) { return $x + $y + $z; };
$addTen = P::partialN(3, $add, 10);
$addTwenty = $addTen(10);
$addTwenty(5); // => 25


array[]|Collection[] P::partition(callable $predicate, array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns the items of the original collection divided into two collections based on a predicate function.

$isPositive = function ($x) { return $x > 0; };
P::partition($isPositive, [4, -16, 7, -3, 2, 88]); // => [[0 => 4, 2 => 7, 4 => 2, 5 => 88], [1 => -16, 3 => -3]]


mixed P::path(array $path, array|object $object)

Returns a value found at the given path.

P::path(['foo', 'bar'], ['foo' => ['baz' => 26, 'bar' => 15]]); // => 15
P::path(['bar', 'baz'], ['bar' => ['baz' => null, 'foo' => 15]]); // => null


bool P::pathEq(array $path, mixed $value, array|object $object)

Returns true if the given value is found at the specified path, false otherwise.

P::pathEq(['foo', 'bar'], 44, ['foo' => ['baz' => 26, 'bar' => 15]]); // => false
P::pathEq(['foo', 'baz'], 26, ['foo' => ['baz' => 26, 'bar' => 15]]); // => true


array P::pick(array $names, array $item)

Returns a new array, containing only the values that have keys matching the given list.

P::pick(['bar', 'fib'], ['foo' => null, 'bar' => 'bzz', 'baz' => 'bob']); // => ['bar' => 'bzz']
P::pick(['fob', 'fib'], ['foo' => null, 'bar' => 'bzz', 'baz' => 'bob']); // => []
P::pick(['bar', 'foo'], ['foo' => null, 'bar' => 'bzz', 'baz' => 'bob']); // => ['bar' => 'bzz', 'foo' => null]


array P::pickAll(array $names, array $item)

Returns a new array, containing the values that have keys matching the given list, including keys that are not found in the item.

P::pickAll(['bar', 'fib'], ['foo' => null, 'bar' => 'bzz', 'baz' => 'bob']); // => ['bar' => 'bzz', 'fib' => null]
P::pickAll(['fob', 'fib'], ['foo' => null, 'bar' => 'bzz', 'baz' => 'bob']); // => ['fob' => null, 'fib' => null]
P::pickAll(['bar', 'foo'], ['foo' => null, 'bar' => 'bzz', 'baz' => 'bob']); // => ['bar' => 'bzz', 'foo' => null]


callable P::pipe(callable ...$functions)

Returns a new function that calls each supplied function in turn and passes the result as a parameter to the next function.

$add5 = function ($x) { return $x + 5; };
$square = function ($x) { return $x ** 2; };
$squareAdded = P::pipe($add5, $square);
$squareAdded(4); // => 81
$hello = function ($target) { return 'Hello ' . $target; };
$helloUpper = P::pipe('strtoupper', $hello);
$upperHello = P::pipe($hello, 'strtoupper');
$helloUpper('world'); // => 'Hello WORLD'
$upperHello('world'); // => 'HELLO WORLD'


array|Collection P::pluck(string $name, array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns a new collection, where the items are single properties plucked from the given collection.

P::pluck('foo', [['foo' => null, 'bar' => 'bzz', 'baz' => 'bob'], ['foo' => 'fii', 'baz' => 'pob']]); // => [null, 'fii']
P::pluck('baz', [['foo' => null, 'bar' => 'bzz', 'baz' => 'bob'], ['foo' => 'fii', 'baz' => 'pob']]); // => ['bob', 'pob']


array|Collection P::prepend(mixed $item, array|Collection $collection)

Return a new collection that contains the given item first and all the items in the given collection.

P::prepend('c', ['a', 'b']); // => ['c', 'a', 'b']
P::prepend('c', []); // => ['c']
P::prepend(['d', 'e'], ['a', 'b']); // => [['d', 'e'], 'a', 'b']


int|float P::product(int[]|float[] $values)

Multiplies a list of numbers.

P::product([11, -8, 3]); // => -264
P::product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); // => 720


mixed P::prop(string $name, array|object|\ArrayAccess $object)

Returns the given element of an array or property of an object.

P::prop('bar', ['bar' => 'fuz', 'baz' => null]); // => 'fuz'
P::prop('baz', ['bar' => 'fuz', 'baz' => null]); // => null


bool P::propEq(string $name, mixed $value, array|object $object)

Returns true if the specified property has the given value, false otherwise.

P::propEq('foo', 'bar', ['foo' => 'bar']); // => true
P::propEq('foo', 'baz', ['foo' => 'bar']); // => false


mixed P::reduce(callable $function, mixed $initial, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns a value accumulated by calling the given function for each element of the collection.

The supplied function receives four arguments: previousValue, item, index, collection.

$concat = function ($x, $y) { return $x . $y; };
P::reduce($concat, 'foo', ['bar', 'baz']); // => 'foobarbaz'


mixed P::reduceRight(callable $function, mixed $initial, array|\Traversable $collection)

Returns a value accumulated by calling the given function for each element of the collection in reverse order.

The supplied function receives four arguments: previousValue, item, index, collection.

$concat = function ($accumulator, $value, $key) { return $accumulator . $key . $value; };
P::reduceRight($concat, 'no', ['foo' => 'bar', 'fiz' => 'buz']); // => 'nofizbuzfoobar'


array|Collection P::reject(callable $predicate, array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns a new collection containing the items that do not match the given predicate.

The supplied predicate receives three arguments: item, index, collection.

$isEven = function ($x) { return $x % 2 === 0; };
P::reject($isEven, [1, 2, 3, 4]); // => [0 => 1, 2 => 3]


array|Collection P::reverse(array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns a new collection where the items are in a reverse order.

P::reverse([3, 2, 1]); // => [2 => 1, 1 => 2, 0 => 3]
P::reverse([22, 4, 16, 5]); // => [3 => 5, 2 => 16, 1 => 4, 0 => 22]
P::reverse([]); // => []


array|Collection P::slice(int $start, int $end, array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns a new collection, containing the items of the original from index start (inclusive) to index end (exclusive).

P::slice(2, 6, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); // => [3, 4, 5, 6]
P::slice(0, 3, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); // => [1, 2, 3]
P::slice(7, 11, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); // => [8, 9]


array|Collection P::sort(callable $comparator, array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns a new collection sorted by the given comparator function.

$sub = function ($a, $b) { return $a - $b; };
P::sort($sub, [3, 2, 4, 1]); // => [1, 2, 3, 4]


array|Collection P::sortBy(callable $function, array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns a new collection sorted by comparing the values provided by calling the given function for each item.

$getFoo = function ($a) { return $a['foo']; };
$collection = [['foo' => 16, 'bar' => 3], ['foo' => 5, 'bar' => 42], ['foo' => 11, 'bar' => 7]];
P::sortBy($getFoo, $collection); // => [['foo' => 5, 'bar' => 42], ['foo' => 11, 'bar' => 7], ['foo' => 16, 'bar' => 3]]


int|false P::stringIndexOf(string $substring, string $string)

Returns the first index of a substring in a string, or false if the substring is not found.

P::stringIndexOf('def', 'abcdefdef'); // => 3
P::stringIndexOf('a', 'abcdefgh'); // => 0
P::stringIndexOf('ghi', 'abcdefgh'); // => false


int|false P::stringLastIndexOf(string $substring, string $string)

Returns the last index of a substring in a string, or false if the substring is not found.

P::stringLastIndexOf('def', 'abcdefdef'); // => 6
P::stringLastIndexOf('a', 'abcdefgh'); // => 0
P::stringLastIndexOf('ghi', 'abcdefgh'); // => false


string P::substring(int $start, int $end, string $string)

Returns a substring of the original string between given indexes.

P::substring(2, 5, 'foobarbaz'); // => 'oba'
P::substring(4, 8, 'foobarbaz'); // => 'arba'
P::substring(3, -2, 'foobarbaz'); // => 'barb'


string P::substringFrom(int $start, string $string)

Returns a substring of the original string starting from the given index.

P::substringFrom(5, 'foobarbaz'); // => 'rbaz'
P::substringFrom(1, 'foobarbaz'); // => 'oobarbaz'
P::substringFrom(-2, 'foobarbaz'); // => 'az'


string P::substringTo(int $end, string $string)

Returns a substring of the original string ending before the given index.

P::substringTo(5, 'foobarbaz'); // => 'fooba'
P::substringTo(8, 'foobarbaz'); // => 'foobarba'
P::substringTo(-3, 'foobarbaz'); // => 'foobar'


int|float P::subtract(int|float $x, int|float $y)

Subtracts two numbers.

P::subtract(15, 27); // => -12
P::subtract(36, -8); // => 44


int|float P::sum(int[]|float[] $values)

Adds together a list of numbers.

P::sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); // => 21
P::sum([11, 0, 2, -4, 7]); // => 16


array|Collection P::tail(array|\Traversable|Collection $collection)

Returns a new collection that contains all the items from the original collection except the first.

P::tail([2, 4, 6, 3]); // => [4, 6, 3]


mixed P::tap(callable $function, mixed $object)

Calls the provided function with the given value as a parameter and returns the value.

$addDay = function (\DateTime $date) { $date->add(new \DateInterval('P1D')); };
$date = new \DateTime('2015-03-15');
P::tap($addDay, $date); // => $date
$date->format('Y-m-d'); // => '2015-03-16'


array P::times(callable $function, int $count)

Calls the provided function the specified number of times and returns the results in an array.

$double = function ($number) { return $number * 2; };
P::times($double, 5); // => [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]


array|Collection P::toPairs(array|\Traversable|Collection $map = null)

Creates a new list of pairs from from a list of key-value pairs.

P::toPairs(['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd']); // => [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]
P::toPairs([3 => 'b', 5 => null]); // => [[3, 'b'], [5, null]]


callable P::true()

Returns a function that always returns true.

$true = P::true();
$true(); // => true


callable P::unary(callable $function)

Wraps the given function in a function that accepts exactly one parameter.

$add2 = function ($a = 0, $b = 0) { return $a + $b; };
$add1 = P::nAry(1, $add2);
$add1(27, 15); // => 27


mixed P::unapply(callable $function, mixed ...$arguments)

Calls the function using the given arguments as a single array list argument.

Effectively creates an variadic function from a unary function.

$concat = function (array $strings) { return implode(' ', $strings); };
P::unapply($concat, 'foo', 'ba', 'rba'); // => 'foo ba rba'


mixed P::where(array $specification, array|object $object)

Returns true if the given object matches the specification.

P::where(['a' => 15, 'b' => 16], ['a' => 15, 'b' => 42, 'c' => 88, 'd' => -10]); // => false
P::where(['a' => 15, 'b' => 16], ['a' => 15, 'b' => 16, 'c' => -20, 'd' => 77]); // => true


array P::zip(array $a, array $b)

Returns a new array of value pairs from the values of the given arrays with matching keys.

P::zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]); // => [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]
P::zip(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], ['a' => 3, 'c' => 4]); // => ['a' => [1, 3]]
P::zip([1, 2, 3], []); // => []


array P::zipWith(callable $function, array $a, array $b)

Returns a new array of values created by calling the given function with the matching values of the given arrays.

$sum = function ($x, $y) { return $x + $y; };
P::zipWith($sum, [1, 2, 3], [5, 6]); // => [6, 8]